
Charles James Hall was born and raised in rural Wisconsin, USA, near
Madison. He enlisted in the United States Air Force on July 20, 1964.
He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base outside Las Vegas,
Nevada, for over two years. While there, he served for extensive periods
of time as a weather observer in the desert on the Gunnery ranges at
Indian Springs, Nevada. Following this, he served a year in Vietnam in
the Mekong Delta. Charles received an award for surviving more than
35 communist attacks. A year after receiving an honorable discharge in
May 1968, Charles married Marie, on the condition that he would go to
college. In record time, he earned both a Bachelor's Degree in Thermal
Physics and a Masters degree in Applied Nuclear Physics at San Diego
State University in San Diego California. Charles did Ph.D. level post
graduate work at the University of Maine at Bangor. Later, he earned a
Masters in Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University
at Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
When Charles and Marie had been married about three months,
Charles decided to risk telling her about the extraterrestrials he had
encountered at Indian Springs. Marie wasn't terribly interested in
whether or not ETs existed. She only said that if she met one, she hoped
she would behave properly. That might just be another way to describe
the current buzzword, 'Exopolitics'.
Raising a family pushed memories of the terror and unprecedented
experiences on the Indian Springs gunnery ranges into the background,
but they couldn't be forgotten. In his spare time, Charles began writing
his memoirs for his children and grandchildren. Eighteen years later, when
Marie discovered what he had been doing, she convinced him to
publish them. She found it easy to come up with a title, cover design and helped
edit what eventually became the Millennial Hospitality series, which is now four
books. Marie particularly liked Charles' memoirs because they did not
attempt to prove the existence of extraterrestrials, but rather, could be
read and enjoyed by anyone. They read like a novel and the reader can
learn about how to be a better human being. Because of the nature of
the material, and to protect the innocent, it seemed prudent to change
the names of friends, places, a few distances and directions. The
Millennial Hospitality series is without precedent, a truly
groundbreaking account of one man's actual experiences with
extraterrestrials in the Nevada desert. It is already being hailed as a
Of particular interest, Charles Hall's first paper describing his Photon
Theory is included in the appendix of Millennial Hospitality III, The
Road Home, and further writing is included in Millennial Hospitality IV,
After Hours. Hall Photon Theory maintains that Einstein's theories fell
short and, if scientists accept the hypotheses presented, vehicles can be
built which will travel faster than the speed of light. In addition, the
fourth book no longer disguises place names, has a section of credible
updates and answers to frequently asked questions.
Charles is currently working as a Nuclear Physicist and Database
manager. With all the children grown, he and his wife Marie maintain
their empty nest in Albuquerque, New Mexico.